Last update Nov 01, 2021

This Privacy Policy describes how La Filmadora (“Filmadora,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) collects, uses, and shares information about you and applies to your use of any online service location that posts a link to this Privacy Policy, including our website www.lafilmadora.com, and all features, content, and other services that we own, control and make available to you (collectively, the “Service”). You acknowledge that this Privacy Policy is par of our Terms & Conditions of Use, and by agreeing to use the Services, you are agreeing to be bound by all of its terms and conditions and all applicable laws and regulations. This Privacy Policy also explains the choices you have about our collection of information. If you do not agree and consent, discontinue use of the Service.


Information that identifies you. Like your name, address, or email address, telephone number, credit card or financial account number, or photos of you. It may be called personal information, personally identifiable information, or “PII.”

Information that relates to you, or to a device you use, but on its own does not identify you. This information may also be called “Non-PII.”

Within these two categories, we may collect:

Contact or registration information. Like name, address, email address or telephone number when you enter a contest or sweepstakes; stream, purchase or download a film; ask to receive updates on a film that will be released, register for a promotional event, or sign up for a newsletter. (All of this information is PII.)

Information you post online, such as comments you post on in a community discussion, including social media. This information may be PII, if you post under your real name, and your comments are associated with your name. Posting information is voluntary. You may always choose not to provide us with information, but that may limit the features or information you can receive or enjoy.

Information about you, or your use of other products and services, that we obtain from other sources. We may obtain information such as demographic information from publicly available sources. There may be social media widgets on our pages that help you view or share our content through your social media accounts. If you do share content on social media services, we may also receive information about your use of those social media services, or information you have published on social media, that helps us understand your interests. We may combine these types of third-party information, or other information we may license from third parties, with the information we receive when you use our Services

Tracking Technology. We may use cookies, web beacons (clear gifs) and other such devices (“Tracking Technology”) to collect information about your use of the Services. The Tracking Technology that we and our Third-Party Service Providers (see more information here) use may include:

IP addresses. An IP address is a number assigned to your computer or network when you are on the Internet. When you request content through a web site or application, we use the IP address to direct the content to your device, and our servers log the IP address as we do that.

Mobile Advertising IDs. When you use our Services on a mobile device, we may collect a Google Ad ID or Apple ID for Advertising (“IDFA”).

Device IDs. When you access our Services from any device, we may collect a device ID, such as a MAC address.

Cross-Device Information. If you access our Services from different devices or different browsers, we may use other information to link them to you. Linking devices helps us deliver content and promotional messages that may be relevant to you on all the devices you use.

Information from social media. When you access our Services (for example, to view video) from a social media platform, or share our content through your social media postings, we may also collect information you make public on social media.

Geolocation Data. We may collect information about the location from which you are accessing our Services.

Other Information from Third Parties. Our Service contains content from and hyperlinks to websites, locations, platforms, and services operated and owned by third parties (“Third Party Services”). In addition, our Service contains features that allow you interact with, connect to, or access our Service through certain Third Party Services and third party devices (“Third Party Features”). For example, you interact with a Third Party Service when you “like” or “share” content over social media through our Service, or when you purchase merchandise from our online store. Remember that third parties may use Tracking Technologies to independently collect information about you and may solicit Personal Information from you. Also, if you use a Third Party Feature, both we and the applicable third party may have access to and use information associated with your use of the Third Party Feature.

Our Service also contains Tracking Technologies operated by third parties. For example, analytics services, such as Google Analytics, may use Tracking Technologies on our Service to help us analyze your use of the Service, compile statistic reports on the Service’s activity, and provide other services relating to Service activity and internet usage. Similarly, ad serving services, advertisers, and other third parties may use Tracking Technologies on our Service and Third Party Services to track your activities across time and services, and tailor ads to you based on your activities, which may include sending you an ad on a Third Party Service or third party device after you have left the Service (“Interest-based Advertising”).

The information collected and stored by third parties, whether through our Service, a Third Party Service, or a third party device, remains subject to their own policies and practices, including what information they share with us, your choices on their services and devices, and whether they store information in the U.S. or elsewhere. We are not responsible for and make no representations regarding third party policies and practices, and encourage you to familiarize yourself with and consult their privacy policies and terms of use. To the extent we combine information we receive from third parties with Personal Information we collect directly from you on the Service, we will treat the combined information as Personal Information under this Privacy Policy.


We use the information we collect through our Services to deliver content to you, and sometimes to present the content we think will be most relevant to you (through promotional messages on our sites, through newsletters if you have signed up for them, or possibly by presenting information about these films first when you access the Services).

We use information we obtain from third parties, as described above, to group you with other people who have similar interests, and present the content we think is most likely to interest everyone in the group.

We also use information about how you and others use our Services to manage content delivery (for example by ensuring you do not see the same information too often), to do market research, to determine which parts of our Services are most interesting and helpful to people, and to improve our products and services, and for other similar purposes. We may use Service Providers to help us analyze and understand this information so that we can use it effectively.

We may also use information to confirm your identity, answer your questions or assist you, and update you. From time to time, we may also make content available for download or purchase. We may use your information to deliver newsletters or other services you request.


Information may be collected and used by our Service Providers on our behalf. In addition to helping us with advertising related services, they may assist us with research and analytics, hosting, fulfilling transactions, maintaining databases, administering sweepstakes and contests, providing technology services, delivering content and email, and, we sell content or products through our Services, for processing payments. We will require our Service Providers to use only the information they need to perform services for us. We will not share PII with Service Providers for their marketing or advertising purposes. We may share aggregate information about our site (how it is generally used) for business purposes, for example to demonstrate interest in our films.

We may share information (and you agree to this sharing) about video content you view through our Services with video measurement services and social media sites. If we do, we will ask for your consent, which will be effective for two years or until you withdraw it. This information may be shared through Tracking Technology.

We may share information among related companies. In other words, any company we control, are controlled by or are under control with (an “Affiliate”) may receive information from us and provide information to us. This information may be used for marketing and administrative purposes.

In addition, we may use or disclose information to:

Protect our legal rights (including copyrights or other proprietary rights) or the legal rights of others when we have a good faith belief that they are in jeopardy;

Protect our privacy, or safety and security, and those of our affiliates, employees, agents, contractors or other individuals who use our services;

Protect against fraud or other illegal activity;

Respond to legal process or requests for information from government, regulatory, law enforcement, or public authorities;

Permit us to pursue available remedies, defend litigation, or limit damages;

Enforce our terms and conditions; or

as part of the sale or transfer of our business (whatever form that may take) or the sale or transfer of all or substantially all of any of its assets.


We do not knowingly collect any PII from children under 18 (18), or permit or direct such information to be collected on our behalf. If you are younger than 18, you may not send any information about yourself to us. If we discover that a child under the age of 18 has provided PII to us , we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete that child’s PII from our systems.


We use commercially reasonable methods to protect the information we collect. We use measures that are commonly used in our industry to protect data we process from unauthorized access, disclosure or modification. We take industry-standard precautions and follow generally accepted procedures to protect the security of data we process, store and transmit. However, no transmission or storage of data can ever be perfectly secure, so while we can assure you that we work hard to protect information in our control, we are not able to provide legal guarantees of data security.


Newsletters. If you have subscribed to one or more of our email newsletters or are receiving them from us and you don’t want them anymore, you can unsubscribe. Select the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email message, or use any other means that may be provided to unsubscribe.

Opting out of Interest Based Advertising As noted above, we collect information about your use of our Services, and through our Third Party Advertising Service Providers, we collect and use information about your use of other services. The use of Activity Data, including the information about your use and interaction with our Services that allows us (through our Service Providers) to deliver promotional messages to you on other unaffiliated websites, apps, or services, is “Interest Based Advertising,” or “IBA.” It isn’t possible to opt out of all data collection on all devices for IBA with one action. Online data is generally collected through Tracking Technologies, including cookies, and when you opt out of this data collection, we, or our Service Providers, store your choice in another cookie on your web browser. If you change devices or browsers, or clear cookies from your browser, you may need to opt out again. This opt out from online tracking for IBA will not affect the collection of data from apps on your mobile devices. In order to prevent your activities on a mobile device from being used to track you for IBA, You must go to “Settings” on a Mobile device and turn on “Limit Ad Tracking” for iOS devices or “Opt Out of Interest Based Ads” for Android devices.

Opting Out from Third Party Advertising Service Providers. You can opt-out of third party use of Non-PII for Interest Based Advertising by going to those Service Providers’ own web sites and following instructions in their privacy policies about how to opt out.. Service Providers that collect information through our Services for Interest Based Advertising generally participate in the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”), which provides an opt out tool located at http://optout.networkadvertising.org/#/, and/or the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) self-regulatory program for Online Behavioral Advertising (the Ad Choices Program), which provides an opt out at http://optout.aboutads.info/#/. You may also opt out from third-party tracking across apps through the DAA’s app choices app.

Location Data. if we or our Service Providers collect precise location information from an app on a mobile device, we or they will ask you first whether you consent to the collection and use of that information, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Cross Device Tracking. If you do not want information that our Service Providers collect on one device to be used for Interest Based Advertising by us or others on other devices, you can opt through the NAI or DAA opt outs. Opting out from one device only removes that device from cross-device advertising. You may still receive ads on other devices that are based on Activity Data collected on devices you did not remove from cross-device tracking. For example, if you remove your phone from cross-device tracking, data from both your computer and your tablet may still be used to target advertising on and across both of those devices. When you opt out, devices may still be linked by Service Providers but that linkage will not be used to deliver cross-device Interest Based Advertising. In addition, if you sign in on any device using your PII, and we know or have stored your preferences or interests, we may use those on all the devices on which you sign in to deliver you relevant promotional messages or content through our own Services.

Access. You may request access to, and have the right to review, any PII we have collected and retain about you. In order to review this information, please contact us at the address provided at the end of this privacy policy.


Please be aware that when you are navigating our Services or viewing an e-mail or other content we provide, you may have the opportunity to click on links that take you outside Company’s service to other websites or online content that are beyond Company’s control. For example, you may encounter links to fan sites, or other related links to sites that may reference our brand, but are not our sites. If you “click” on the link to such a third party, the “click” takes you to a third party’s website or online content. We have no control over, and are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these websites and expressly disclaims all liability associated with your use of, and the content on, these websites. Once you have left our content or Services by clicking on an external link, you should check the applicable third party’s privacy policy to determine whether they will collect PII from you and how they will use it.


California residents may request and obtain a list of the third parties, if any, to which our Services have disclosed personal information (as defined by California law) for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately prior calendar year (e.g. requests made in 2017 will receive information about 2016 sharing activities). As set forth in this Privacy Policy, we comply with this law by offering our visitors the ability to tell us not to share your personally identifiable information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an e-mail to californiaprivacy@lafilmadora.com. You must include this Privacy Policy as the subject line, and your full name, e-mail address, phone number and postal address in your message. Please see the “Your Rights and Choices” section of this Privacy Policy for additional information.


Some web browsers may transmit “Do-Not-Track” signals to the websites with which the browser communicates. Because of differences in how web browsers incorporate and activate this feature, it is not always clear whether users intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether they even are aware of them. There is disagreement, including among participants in the leading Internet standards-setting organization, concerning what, if anything, websites should do when they receive such signals. We currently do not take action in response to these signals, but, if and when a final standard is established and generally accepted, we may reassess how to respond to these signals. Instead, as described above, please see the links to the Network Advertising Initiative and Digital Advertising Association programs that offer choices about third party tracking across unaffiliated websites and apps.


From time to time, we may revise this Privacy Policy to reflect industry initiatives, changes in the law or technology, or changes to our practices. If we make material changes to the way we collect or use your information, we will provide notice of these changes in a way we consider appropriate, including by posting a revised version of this Privacy Policy. We will not share information we collected in the past under a different policy in new and materially different ways without getting your consent. You agree that we may notify you about material changes in the way we treat personal information we will collect in the future by placing a notice on our Services, including this Privacy Policy. You should check our Services frequently for updates.

You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last revised by referring to the date “Last Updated” or similar description at the top of this Privacy Policy. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective upon posting of the revised Privacy Policy on the Internet, accessible through this site. By continuing to use our Services following such changes, you will be deemed to have agreed to such changes. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, as it may be changed from time to time, please do not continue to use our Services.


La Filmadora is based in the United States, our Services are directed to residents of the United States, and they comply with United States Law, specifically to New York Law. If You are located in the European Union, Canada, or any other country outside of the United States, please be aware that any information you provide will be collected in and/or transferred to the United States, and processed in the United States, and the privacy laws that apply to our Services may not be equivalent to those in the country where you reside.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to review any PII of yours that you believe we may have, please contact us at:

La Filmadora
353 West 48th St

4th Floor, Unit 323

NYC, NY 10036



© 2021 LA FILMADORA. All rights reserved.

Privacy Policy. Terms & Conditions.

© La Filmadora 2021. All Rights Reserved.